Monday, April 6, 2009

Bunny Brunch

On Saturday I took Sarah to her first official Bunny Brunch for Easter. She's been really excited for the Easter Bunny to come this year which has been so much fun. Of course she got scared when she actually saw him, but she seemed to have a good time regardless. After the brunch they held an Easter egg hunt for all of the kids. She did great and it was so much fun watching her "find" all of the eggs.

Here she is with one of the live bunnies they had for the kids to pet.

She even got to feed the bunnies.

Here she is on her first official Easter Egg Hunt. All in all, she didn't do too bad. :-)

Sarah seems to like the idea of the Easter Bunny, but that's where it ends. She tried to be brave and sit on his lap, but as you can see, it didn't go very well.


The Wegeners said...

Looks like so much fun...she is just a beauty! I can't believe how big she is!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you and Sarah had a good time and she enjoyed finding the eggs and feeding the real bunny. Maybe the other bunny was just tooooo big for her liking. Thanks for sharing the photos and movie clips.

Grandma said...

I really enjoyed the Ester pictures and videos. It looks like it was a fun day.