Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with Steve's family which was very nice and even included a few early presents for Sarah, Grandma, and myself. A special thank you for my new camera which I'm very excited about...even if I am still trying to figure out which buttons do what. :-)

Sarah...about 10 minutes before we're supposed to leave for church.

Reading "The Night Before Christmas" with Grams & Grandpa.

Sarah's new BFF....Aunt Patty!

Reading with Grandma.

Sarah & Baby Kate's new PJs. Lookin' good girls!

Putting the food out for Santa's reindeer.

A few cookies for the Big Guy himself. :-)


Pat Holt said...

How cute! I love having a new BFF! I really miss her.

The Wegeners said...

I'm lovin' the matching pjs! Too cute!