Sarah has moved into the 3 year old room at her pre-school and today was her first Show & Tell! She was very excited to get to school today and show all of her friends her toy...her Beat Box Bunny! :-) Aunt Patty & Uncle Scott gave this bunny to Sarah awhile ago, but it was the first (and only) toy she even considered taking with her today. He's actually really cute and plays a song when you push his hand. Sarah likes this because she loves to dance every time he starts playing. :-) I can't wait to hear how the whole thing went!
I AM so excited that one of our little presents got "top billing" at Show & Tell! And I'm sure you are all excited that Sarah's moving up into the 3-year old class.
What a wonderful smile. It is great to see her happy about school. Hope all went well with "show and tell".
Loved the "Beat Box Bunny"; he's quite the little dancer and so is Sarah. From the picture it looks like she had a great time with him, and I'm sure he was a big hit at Show and Tell.
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