Thursday, March 10, 2011

Emily - 7 Months

Emily is 7 months old now and changing more and more each day. It was slow going at first, but she's eating her "solid" food like a champ now and we even seem to be more on a daily schedule. Yeah!! She's also been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks now which I'm very happy about. :-)

She can sit unassisted, but not for very long. She likes to go stiff and launch herself backwards so sitting for long periods of time is still a work in progress. I've noticed in the past couple of days though that she's starting to get on all fours a little bit. Who knows, maybe she'll crawl before she sits! :-)

She's so much fun and loves to anyone! It seems at times she'll actually look at someone until she gets their attention and then give them the biggest smile she can. It's so cute to watch! She's also starting to "talk" more and more...which is an absolute must in this family. :-) I don't know if I'd call them her first words just yet, but she's been saying "da da" a lot lately.

Here are a few pictures from this month's photo shoot. It's getting harder and harder to get these with the sign so we took more candids this time around. Enjoy!

Emily with Mr. Ears

The following are her 6 months pictures that we had taken.

Emily in her baptism dress.


Anonymous said...

I just love to see her smile. And she really smiles a lot. I've even seen here look at someone until they look at her; then she smiles. What a little flirt. She's a charmer.

Pat Holt said...

What a doll! Before you know it, she'll be walking and carrying Mr. Ears around the house. Thank you so much for the birthday photo of Sarah and baptism photo of Emily. I can't wait to see all of you the end of July (hopefully I'll be there for Emily's first birthday).