Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mr. Rolling Cooler Cooler Roller

In preparation for our trip last weekend, we decided we needed to get a cooler for our food & drinks. Now, had we known before we left Indiana that we would have use for a cooler than we certainly would have brought ours from home, but that was not the case. Since most of the prep work for the trip fell to me while Steve was at work, I took the girls and headed to the store for everything on our list...including a cooler. I thought the cooler Sarah & I selected was genius because it was large enough to hold everything, was $20 less than the competition, and had wheels! It was so great in fact that Sarah was able to wheel it around the store for me.

When Steve got home that evening I could tell he did not share our enthusiasm for this wonderful find, but I wasn't really sure why. To his credit he didn't say a word even though he had to know his man card was about to take a huge hit! :-) It wasn't until we were driving to the campsite the next day that he shared with me the Real Men of Genius video clip from You Tube. Needless to say, I haven't stopped laughing...nor has anyone else who saw him that weekend. I will say though that never once did he actually roll the cooler...except to humor me for my photo op. :-)

Thanks Sweetie, for being such a good sport!

The Hauler of the Hotdogs

To truly appreciate this story, be sure to check out the You Tube clip below. :-)


Pat Holt said...

Only Steve would know about this YouTube Bud clip. I think the cooler is pretty cool myself.

Lorri said...

What! We knew and never laughed so hard at this posting. Too funny. Although I must admit, I think a rolling cooling is a great idea. That entire commercial series was so awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That cooler is real genius. Great idea. Glad you guys were able to get away for a great time with good friends. The kids look like they had a great time too.