Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some Slip-N-Slide Fun

It's been rather hot here in Virginia so we decided to let Sarah take her new slip-n-slide for a test run. This was her first time doing one of these so it took her a few minutes to figure things out, but once she realized it was more fun to slide down rather than run down it, she did great. Of course, I was convinced we would be taking a trip to the ER before it was over, but I'm happy to report she did great and was injury free. :-)
Sorry Daddy, but Sarah is also sporting her first bikini! It was so cute! :-)
Checking things out.

Getting going...

Don't worry, we were able to capture the whole thing on video. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

And the judge's (Grandpa's) award for the last slide was a perfect 10. Looks like Sarah had fun. Too bad we don't have any hills in Indiana.

Pat Holt said...

Wish I looked that good in a bathing suit (even the non-bikini kind). Sure looks like fun. Since it's going to be in the 100s here tomorrow and through the weekend, I might have to invest in one of those (although I'm not sure the knee is quite ready for a slip-n-slide).

Grams said...

Sarah is really tuning into a water baby. good for her and fun too. I am anxious to see the whole video since she was trying to get the perfect slide...

Grandma said...

Looks like she is having a great time Love the bathing suit

The Wegeners said...

So much fun!!! I'm with you, about the whole pending ER visit, but she looked like a pro!